5 Myths busted by nutrition experts about Vegan diet


Increasing awareness of the benefits of a healthy diet has led to a rapid rise in vegan consumption in India. It means abstaining from all animal products and byproducts. Indians are choosing vegan cuisine to lead a healthier lifestyle and to avoid non-vegetarian foods. People are switching to plant-based diets in order to avoid animal-related eating habits that are damaging our planet. It has been shown that animal and dairy products contribute to cardiovascular diseases, some cancers, diabetes and many other health problems. Consequently, more and more people are turning to plant-based diets as a result of this information.

The “vegan” diet has been termed as a dietary supplement that is intended to replace animal products with plant-based foods. However, there are certain myths associated with it. Nutritionist debunked half of them and presented a few truths about vegan diets. Let’s learn what a vegan diet really is and debunk these myths.

MYTH 1: You Can Lose Weight

It’s true that veganism isn’t a guaranteed way to lose weight, even though your celebs tell you so. Vegans can lose weight by eating more plants and eating fewer processed foods. However, vegans can also make wrong choices, which won’t help them lose weight. Vegans will also not lose weight if they eat lots of vegan junk food. Remember: “Vegan” on a label doesn’t always mean healthy food.

MYTH 2: It’s Difficult To Get Enough Protein

Protein doesn’t have to come from meat, eggs, or dairy. There are countless plant foods that provide protein. Lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, and soybean are excellent sources. Soy products also provide iron and calcium.

MYTH 3: You May Feel Exhausted And Weak

It is true that meat is full of iron and vitamin B12, which provide energy, and more. But skipping animal products does not necessarily make you weak and tired. Thankfully, there are many healthy, nutrient-dense vegan alternatives to maintain your energy levels and prevent anemia deficiency. Chinkpeas, legumes, pumpkin seeds, and spinach are good sources of iron. A simple tip – add lemon juice to your hummus (or pair it with food that contains Vitamin C) to enhance iron absorption. Nutritionists recommend vegans consume vitamin supplements, vitamin-enriched cereals, and fortified soy products to increase their intake of Vitamin B-12.

MYTH 4: Omega-3 Can Only Be Obtained From Fish

Almost nothing can be done without Omega-3 fatty acids, if you’ve heard all about their benefits. Their benefits include supporting the heart and brain, promoting bone and joint health, improving cognition and memory, and so on. Despite the fact that many people believe that fish or fish oils are the only good sources, chia and flax are good dietary additions because they contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a nutrient that supports heart health.

MYTH 5: Being Vegan Is Costly

India has a wide variety of vegan foods and ingredients that are affordable, particularly if the diet includes cheaper foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, lentils, beans, and other legumes. Vegan diets that are well-planned can be less expensive than animal-based diets.
