A Guide To Keep Pet Dogs In Delhi-NCR: How Much Does Registration Cost?


Several incidents of dog bites have been reported in Delhi, Noida and Ghaziabad in recent days. This has led to a public demand that the rules regarding keeping dogs as pets should be made stringent. The rules are as follows. 

It is estimated that there are more than 20,000 registered pets and strays in Delhi’s city limits. According to Delhi’s municipal body, it has been reported that the government doctors receive 100 to 150 cases of dog bites a day, and many of the victims do not receive anti-rabies vaccinations.  

There Are A Few Rules For Keeping Pet Dogs

According to the Delhi Municipal Act 1956 Section 399, all dog owners will be required by law to register their dogs. This can be done online through the Delhi Municipal Body’s portal, and the registration fee is only Rs 500.

Several veterinarians have stated that any dog that poses a danger to others may be culled according to the rules. For such a dog to be culled, it is necessary that it attacks humans habitually. The department keeps record of dogs like this and then decides on their fate.
